Our equipment operators are experienced in construction project management, equipment operation and have extensive safety training. Our equipment operators have current safety certifications in whmis, H2S, transportation dangerous goods, ground disturbance and first aid. We can meet all hse standards.
With years of experience developing industrial, commercial, and residential lands and large projects in the oil and gas industry, Tower Oilfield Services is able to handle construction projects of all sizes. From building a driveway into an acreage, to meeting municipal standards in road construction – we can see any project through from start to completion. We offer full or partial solutions to all types and sizes of construction projects. Tower Oilfield Services provides the following construction services:
Pregrading of subdivisions
Roadway construction
Precut excavations for deep underground utility mains
Lot grading
Lease construction
Building pad construction
Road grading
Excavation, borrow & compaction
Snow plowing and snow removal
Let us help you complete your construction project on time and with quality workmanship.
For all of your construction, rental and hauling needs